Types of Counseling: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Part II

Orlando Counselor Providing Trauma, Anxiety, and Relationship Therapy

You’re tired of feeling bad and are thinking about reaching out for help. On the one hand, you feel a sense of relief when you consider calling a new counselor. On the other hand, however, you feel like finding the right therapist is a daunting task.

I’ve written an entire series on Types of Counseling to help those in the researching phase of finding a therapist learn about alternative therapies that can heal at the root level. As a trauma, anxiety and relationship counselor in Orlando, many of my clients that have been in therapy before and have looked for counseling that goes beyond traditional insight therapy.

In my last post, I covered some of the fundamentals of Sensorimotor Pyschotherapy. In this post, I briefly discuss how I use Sensorimotor Psychotherapy to work with the following client issues.

Relationship Patterns

Negative relationship patterns, whether you are in a committed relationship or dating, are extremely stressful. Feeling out of control to your own patterns in a relationship can feel a little crazy. Exploring implicit memory is especially important for people struggling with what feels like out of control relationship patterns. Why? Because you learned how to be in relationships from your primary caregivers and this was all learned through your experience with them. The assumptions you have about yourself and those you choose to be in relationships with came through the natural give and take that happened in your childhood home. It was learned implicitly through your interactions. Conversational therapy is limited in its ability to heal implicit relational wounds because these wounds aren’t logical. Relational wounds happen over time, during childhood, and the environment in which they occurred. This is considered status quo.

I have found through my experience, trying to logic someone into stopping a negative relational pattern can bring about a lot of shame. Working from a bottom-up approach helps to normalize the pattern and works to heal the part of self that created the pattern as a resource in their family of origin.

Traumatic Events

Trauma memories or trauma reactions are often non-verbal. They come in form of body reactions, images, overwhelming emotions, or a felt sense in the body. The reason this can happen is because the parts of the brain that were “online” at the time of the event were the brainstem and the limbic system, which are responsible for the physical and emotional safety of the person at the the time the event happened. For more on how the brain functions at the time of a difficult event, check out this post.

Additionally, sometimes, the details of the event are not available. For all these reasons, using a bottom-up approach or a somatic approach can help to process the trauma from where it is stored in the brain and the body.


Anxiety is the nervous system’s attempt at protection against future threats to the body, emotions, or sense of self. This anticipatory fear is born out of difficult events that occurred in the past. As a Sensorimotor therapist, I first focus on tools to help my clients manage their anxiety. Once they have developed a tool kit for managing high anxiety levels, we work from a bottom up approach to heal the root causes and the place from which the anxiety pattern was born.

More on Types of Counseling:

Types of Counseling: Trauma Counseling

Types of Counseling: What is EMDR?

Types of Counseling: Mind, Body, and Emotion

Types of Counseling: A Bottom Up Approach

Types of Counseling: What The Brain Says About Therapy

Types of Counseling: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

More on Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Orlando

If you’re interested in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy in Orlando, check out my page on Anxiety and Trauma.

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.


Inviting your Limiting Beliefs to Tea


Types of Counseling: Sensorimotor Psychotherapy