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Orlando Therapist Blog

Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:

Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Anxiety Therapist Shares The Impact of Stress and Trauma on Our Reactions

Anxiety Therapist Shares The Impact of Stress and Trauma on Our Reactions

Written by: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your reactions or struggle with intense internal conflict? Perhaps you notice yourself reacting in ways that seem contradictory or out of proportion, leaving you feeling confused or ashamed. These kinds of responses are more common than you might think, especially for those with a history of trauma. The truth is, your reactions make sense in the context of your past experiences. When we’ve been through overwhelming situations, our minds and bodies develop survival strategies to protect us, sometimes leading to extreme or conflicting emotions. In this post, we’ll explore why these responses occur and how they are not only normal but adaptive.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Orlando Therapist Explores the Difference between Physical Trauma & Attachment Trauma

Orlando Therapist Explores the Difference between Physical Trauma & Attachment Trauma

There's been a lot of hype on childhood trauma recently. You could be hearing about betrayal trauma, insecure attachment, or inner child healing from your therapist, on social media, and in everyday conversations. This may prompt you to reflect on your childhood, wondering, "Did I really experience childhood trauma?" You may be unsure whether what you went through is enough to be considered a trauma.

As a trauma therapist in Orlando, I often witness this uncertainty. Some people know that they have experienced trauma in their childhood, while others may be really uncertain.

So, we are going to break down the difference between physical trauma and attachment trauma because they are two different things. While there can certainly be an overlap between these two types of childhood trauma, many people minimize their attachment trauma because they don't understand it as such. However, attachment trauma can have just as big an impact, if not more, as physical trauma.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Trauma Therapist: Understanding the Fawn Response

Trauma Therapist: Understanding the Fawn Response

Do you avoid conflict and then regret it later? Or do you say ‘yes’ when you actually want to say ‘no?’ Do you go out of your way to help others and find that your help is a one-way street? If this sounds like you, you might be experiencing the nervous system response of ‘fawning.’ Fawning is a way to stay out of trouble and stay in the ‘good graces’ of those around you. You go to great lengths to avoid disappointing or upsetting others.

In my last blog post, Trauma Therapist: Understanding the Window of Tolerance, I did a deep dive into common nervous system responses. I saved ‘fawning’ as its own article because fawning can present as both hyperarousal and hypoarousal.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Trauma Therapist: Understanding the Window of Tolerance

Trauma Therapist: Understanding the Window of Tolerance

Written by: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Do you find yourself overcome with anger, only to fall into a spiral of shame because of what you've said or done? Or do you freeze at other times and hate yourself for not standing up for yourself?

Let’s take a deep dive into what is happening in your nervous system. Psychologists use a concept called the window of tolerance, coined by Dr. Dan Siegel. This offers a map, of sorts, to explore what is happening within your nervous system.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Orlando Therapist: Understanding Trauma

Orlando Therapist: Understanding Trauma

Written by: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

If you've experienced trauma, you know that the traumatic experiences can continue to have an impact on your life long after the event has passed. After you've been through trauma the world may seem less safe and more unpredictable. You may struggle to trust others and feel stuck in a cycle of disturbing memories, shame, and isolation.

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Relationships Lauran Hahn Relationships Lauran Hahn

Orlando Trauma Therapist Shares: What's Behind "Daddy Issues"

Orlando Trauma Therapist Shares What Is Behind Daddy Issues

I’m Lauran Hahn, LMHC and one of my specialties is helping people recover from toxic relationships and improving their attachment styles. It's my passion to help those who have experienced trauma and anxiety. Mindful Living Counseling, my therapy practice in Orlando, Florida, is a safe space where you can find the support you need to heal from your trauma.

Recently, I was asked to share my thoughts on the root cause of "daddy issues." This made me reflect on how the term itself carries a negative connotation and fails to accurately describe the challenges faced in relationships, especially for women.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Orlando Trauma Therapist Explains Rape Culture Part 3

Orlando Trauma Therapist Explains Rape Culture Part 3

Have you or someone you care about recently experienced some form of sexual harm? Knowing what to do next, or how to best provide support can feel overwhelming! Sexual violence can greatly affect a survivor’s overall wellness. Learning about Rape Trauma Syndrome can help orient us to what’s going on, and help us see the supportive and healing path forward.

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

Orlando Trauma Therapist Explains Rape Culture

Orlando Trauma Therapist Explains Rape Culture

Your heart is pounding. You might be thinking, “What did that person just say to me?” “What did they mean by that?” You’re left feeling icky or uncomfortable. You try to brush off their comments, but you can’t shake that irritated, nervous feeling that something is off. You question whether or not to say something back, but decide it’s not worth the confrontation and try to ignore it.

My name is Trissa Dodson LMHC, and I’m a sexual violence trauma therapist. In order to heal from sexual trauma, we need to talk about how sexual violence permeates the larger society we’re all a part of. We need to talk about the word no one seems to want to say, the dreaded R-word: Rape. More specifically, Rape Culture.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Tips to Reduce Scanxiety

Anxiety Therapist Shares Tips to Reduce Scanxiety

As the days tick forward, your anxiety grows as you await your visit and medical test results. This isn't something new for you; you do this regularly.

So, why does the anxiousness creep up every time? As you go about your day, you notice a familiar worry lurking in the back of your mind. Why do I have to go through this? What if I simply didn't show up? What if I just went on with my life and skipped these damn tests?

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Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn Trauma Therapy Lauran Hahn

5 Signs You’re Healing from Trauma

Therapy Orlando: 5 Signs You’re Healing From Trauma

Do you ever look in the metaphorical rearview mirror and say to yourself, “I’ve really come a long way.” Do you ponder the person you were and realize you’re now very different?

At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, all of our counselors are EMDR therapists. We are all highly trained and skilled at helping you heal from past trauma. We see many clients who are just getting started on their healing journey. We help them navigate through their past and help them heal through their trauma for a better future.

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Trauma Therapy Jenny Doré Trauma Therapy Jenny Doré

EMDR Therapy Orlando Q&A

As I’ve been going through the EMDR consultant-in-training process, I have come across some commonly asked questions from clients and from other EMDR therapists. I have created a list of answers to some commonly asked questions regarding EMDR Therapy.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

10 Steps to Turn Your Inner Critic Into Your Friend

Orlando Anxiety Therapist providing tips to settle when your inner critic is taking over.

You know that little internal voice that spews negative self-talk? Of course you do! We all have one. I like to call it your little inner critic.

The little inner critic says things like, "You're not enough." Whether it is not good enough, smart enough, or skilled enough, it is constantly sending you messages that you don't measure up in some way.

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Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Elizabeth Yoak

    Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

  • Shauna Hughes, Anxiety Therapist in Orlando FL

    Shauna Hughes

    Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.

  •  Lauran Hahn

    Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Susan Williams

    Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.