Teenage girl laughing showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

Teen Therapy Orlando

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando can help teens with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem to feel calm and in control. Book a free 15-minute consultation today.


You wonder what is going on with your teen. You feel desperate.

Anxiety symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.


Speedometer symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.


Anger symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.


Two Teenage girls showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

You can’t believe your sweet spunky outgoing kid has turned into a walled-off shutdown insecure teenager.

What happened?

They used to love being the center of attention singing at the top of their lungs and laughing without inhibition. Now they are so unsure of themselves. It’s like the spark that used to be there is gone. 

You miss them. 

Whenever you try to talk to them, they get mad and tell you to shut up and tell you that you don’t understand. You do understand. You were a kid once and you can see them walking right into your old footsteps. You thought that all this healing work that you’ve done would stop that path for them. Now you’re worried about what all of the insecurities will lead to. 

They don’t see how amazing they are.

You’re even noticing their grades falling and their teachers are saying they are losing focus. How do you stop it from going down a worse path? They only see what their friends say or how many likes they get on social media. If you let them, they would be on their phone 24/7. You’re so tired of arguing about it all. 

It’s hard to watch this happen right before your eyes..


At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we help teens work through their anxiety and rebuild their self-esteem.

We will teach parents how to support their teens without being controlling. Through our work, teens and parents learn how to communicate in a way that builds trust and connection.

Teen Therapy Orlando - Written for the Teen

As a teenager, these years of your life can be difficult. You’re getting older and wanting independence but also still rely on your parents for many of your basic needs. Although you want some freedom, you still have to follow their rules. You may be trying to figure out who you are, what you like, and what you want to do with your future. Many of these tasks can feel overwhelming and too much at times. On top of this, if you struggle with depression, bullying, anxiety, or other added stressors, it can make these tasks even harder to tackle.

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • School is so anxiety-provoking that you try to avoid going

  • Scrolling on social media consumes most of your day

  • You don’t feel happy doing the things you used to love to do

  • Trying to communicate with your parents leaves you feeling frustrated

  • You feel like you don’t fit in with people around you

  • Figuring out your future is too overwhelming to think about

  • The confidence you used to have just isn’t there anymore

  • You often feel anxious and on edge, like something terrible will happen at any given moment

  • You’ve had many big changes in your life that have been difficult to cope with

If any of this resonates with you, our counselors at Mindful Living Counseling are here to help. Many of these struggles are normal during this time in your life and having a safe space to work through them can be helpful for many teens. At Mindful Living Counseling, we strive to provide a calm, welcoming, and non-judgmental environment to allow you to express yourself and openly talk about what you’ve been feeling.

How Teen Counseling in Orlando Can Help 

Counseling can help teens work through a variety of obstacles. Whether you’re facing anxiety, depression, struggling with self-esteem, or life is just stressful right now, our counselors at Mindful Living Counseling can help. We teach you new tools to cope while also doing deeper work to see where your current symptoms are coming from and how we can resolve these to help you have a happy and healthy future. 

Picture a future where you could:

From Your Teen Therapist in Orlando 

Teenage boy smiles showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

Sometimes teenagers ask their parents to see a counselor whereas other times, they may be asked (or told) to go to counseling instead. We understand that you may be skeptical about if therapy can truly help you. At Mindful Living Counseling, our therapists have helped many teens through a variety of obstacles they face. We tailor our sessions to your specific concerns and needs. Although we value your parents’ feedback and information, we consider you an expert on how you’ve been feeling and what you’ve been going through. Who knows you better than yourself? If you’re ready to feel calm, confident, and in control again, counseling can be a significant help to you.

A Message for Parents Looking into Teen Counseling in Orlando

As a parent of a teenager, this is a hard adjustment for you too. Your teen has changed from being the little kid you knew and is now forming their own opinions, and beliefs, and starting to be independent of you. Sometimes this adjustment makes it hard for parents to know how to communicate with their teens effectively. If you feel like you’ve been trying to support them but just aren’t sure how anymore, you are in the right place. 

Depending on the situation, your teen may ask for help or you may be the one who wants them to see a counselor. If you as the parent have initiated the idea of your teen going to counseling, we encourage you to include your teen in the search process. We have seen that teen clients, just like our adult clients, feel more comfortable in the therapy session if they are able to have a voice in choosing their counselor. Allowing your teen to look at profiles of counselors, see their pictures, and read about them can help your teen get a sense of if they feel they would have a connection with this counselor.

Privacy & Therapy in Teen Counseling Orlando

In order to develop an effective therapeutic relationship, it’s important that your teen feels safe with their counselor. To create this environment, we stress the importance of confidentiality and privacy for your teen. Ensuring confidentiality, allows us to build a trusting relationship where your teen feels they can be open and honest in their sessions. While parents are included in regular check-in sessions, generally your teens’ counselor will not share details of their sessions, unless your teen specifically asks us to do so. Maintaining this privacy enables us to create a safe environment for your teen, allowing therapeutic change to take place.

Mindful Living Counseling’s Approach to Teen Therapy Orlando

Prior to the first session, your teen counselor will speak with a parent to review details regarding confidentiality, how you may handle changes in your teen that occur as a result of counseling, and discuss pertinent information on what brings your teen to counseling. 

Young girl showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

Counseling sessions at Mindful Living Counseling are generally about 50 minutes in length. Your teen counselor will meet with both the parent and teen for the initial session, in order to obtain information on history, observations at home, goals for counseling, and anything else that you feel is relevant to your teen’s care. Generally, your counselor will spend approximately half of the first session with the parent and teen and the second half individually with your teen.

After the initial session, your counselor will meet with your teen one-on-one for future sessions. Although we express the need for individual sessions with your teen, we also value parent and family feedback as well. Because of this, every 5th session your counselor will have a check-in session where a parent or both parents join the session for at least the first 10-15 minutes of the session. The amount of time the parent spends in session during each check-in will vary based on specific needs and presenting concerns. This check-in session is an opportunity to share any feedback you have about your observations on your child’s progress in counseling, any concerns you have, and any other important information you feel your teens’ counselor needs to know. 

Although this is our general approach to counseling with teens, please keep in mind that your teen counselor will tailor treatment to your teens’ specific needs and goals. We individualize each treatment plan based on goals and presenting concerns, in order to best help your teen and your family feel at peace again. For more information on what to expect in your teen counseling session, I encourage both teens and parents to look to read What to Expect in Teen Counseling Orlando written by one of our teen counselors.

Online Teen Therapy Orlando

At Mindful Living Counseling, we offer both in-person and online sessions for teen counseling. There can be benefits to participating in counseling online, such as not having to drive to and from sessions or having to rely on a parent to transport you to and from sessions. If you prefer your sessions to be online, privacy for your sessions is highly important, just as it would be in the office. This means that you would need to have a place in your home where no one else can hear your sessions and what you are sharing. If your teen counselor observes a lack of privacy in your sessions, they may recommend that you come in person for your sessions to ensure confidentiality.

Ready to Start Teen Counseling in Orlando?

Our counselors at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando are here to help. Our highly trained team will help your teen feel in control of their emotions again, help improve their self-esteem, and bring peace and calm back to your home. To get started with one of our counselors:

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation Form

  2. Schedule a consultation call with one of our Teen Counselors!

  3. Start the journey of helping your teen heal

Other Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling in Orlando, FL

Mindful Living therapists know that teens need support when it comes to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem to feel calm and in control. We offer a variety of therapy services which include Anxiety therapy, Trauma therapy, EMDR Therapy, and Toxic Relationship Therapy to help your teen receive the support they need. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Are you ready to help your teen?

  • Self-esteem symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

    Build up Self-Esteem

    At Mindful Living Counseling, we explore what is happening in your teens day to day, and look for past events that are contributing to your teens anxiety and low self-esteem.

  • Family Communication symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

    Family Communication

    Working with the family is very important to your child’s success in therapy. Every 5th session is used to check in and see how things are going at home, and to create a safe place for the family to communicate.

  • Trust & connection symbol showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

    Trust & Connection

    Oftentimes, what lies under low self-esteem in teens is anxiety. We use EMDR therapy to help heal the roots of your teen’s anxiety, so that they can feel free to be themselves.

Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Image Elizabeth Chambers showing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

    Elizabeth Yoak

  • Susan Williams

  • Tristin McDermott

Chatting symbolshowing how teen therapy Orlando can help. Our therapists provide therapy for anxiety, trauma, depression, for adults and teens in Orlando.

Book a free consultation


Reach out here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation in Orlando, so that we can start your journey to healing right away! Alternatively you can call directly on 407-579-3779.


More reading about Teen Therapy