177 Ways to Ground Yourself Now

177 Ways to Ground Yourself Now

Orlando Therapist Providing Grounding Techniques

Are you feeling geared up and anxious? You’re having a hard time focusing because anxiety has taken you on a rollercoaster ride. If you’re ready to get your feet back on the ground, this blog post will help you do just that.

As an Orlando therapist specializing in anxiety and trauma, I work with many folks that have high anxiety. We work together to create an individualized toolkit to help them feel settled quickly.

I have put together this list of 177 grounding techniques of ways you can ground yourself now. If 177 techniques sounds a bit overwhelming, I have recently added a new blog post with 51 of my favorite grounding techniques, check out that blog post here.

When your anxiety is mounting, or when you are experiencing an anxiety attack, try these methods to help ground yourself. These are quick, easy, short activities that will help reduce your anxiety so you can feel calmed and settled.

As an Orlando Anxiety Therapist, I present to you….

177 Grounding Techniques

  1. Turn off your phone

  2. Give yourself a manicure

  3. Give yourself a pedicure

  4. Give yourself a facial

  5. Paint your nails

  6. Do your makeup

  7. Do your hair

  8. Take your make up off

  9. Take a fancy bath

  10. Brush your teeth

  11. Make a natural face mask with fresh ingredients from the fridge (egg, yogurt, fruit, etc)

  12. Buy flowers for yourself

  13. Light candles

  14. Cocoon yourself in a blanket

  15. Snuggle up with a super soft robe (or blanket)

  16. Make hot chocolate

  17. Make a smoothie

  18. Make a tea

  19. Drink cold water

  20. Drink a carbonated beverage

  21. Cook a healthy meal

  22. Cook a comfort meal

  23. Bake cookies

  24. Pray

  25. Read a book 

  26. Read a magazine

  27. Read a blog series

  28. Paint

  29. Color

  30. Visit a new coffee shop

  31. Visit a new bookstore

  32. Play calming apps or games on your phone or tablet

  33. Do a Sudoko puzzle

  34. Do a word search

  35. Play with a favorite childhood toy

  36. Play a video game

  37. Play a computer game

  38. Play an instrument

  39. Play a sport

  40. Play with modeling clay or Play-Doh

  41. Play with your little brother/sister/niece/nephew

  42. Build a pillow fort

  43. Create or build something

  44. Put a puzzle together

  45. Try to say ridiculous tongue-twisters

  46. Go down the alphabet and list girls’ names for each letter. Then boys’ names. Then unisex, silly pet’s names 

  47. Try counting by 3’s or 7’s

  48. Go for a long walk (with or without a friend)

  49. Go for a hike or spend time in nature

  50. Go for a nice long drive

  51. Go for a walk in a garden

  52. Ride a bicycle

  53. Try to do handstands

  54. Try to do 5 cartwheels

  55. Yoga

  56. New advanced Yoga pose

  57. Dance

  58. Stretch

  59. Meditate

  60. Do Tai Chi

  61. Repeat a calming mantra to yourself

  62. Go swimming

  63. Do a plank

  64. Do a wall sit

  65. Do jumping jacks 

  66. Do sit-ups

  67. Do push-ups

  68. Lift weights

  69. Change your scenery

  70. Plant some flowers or pull some weeds

  71. Clean up trash at your local park

  72. Clean your shoes

  73. Clean your car

  74. Clean your room

  75. Clean your closet

  76. Clean your basement

  77. Clean your garage

  78. Vacuum a room 

  79. Do the dishes

  80. Fold laundry

  81. Organize the kitchen

  82. Organize a desk drawer 

  83. Organize your clothes

  84. Create outfits for the week

  85. Rearrange furniture

  86. Redecorate a room

  87. Organize and replace your crystals

  88. Sort through your photos

  89. Edit your photos on your phone

  90. Change all the notification sounds on your phone

  91. Change your phone’s background picture

  92. Text or call an old friend

  93. Call up a friend or safe person to talk to

  94. Visit a friend at their house

  95. Hug a friend or family member

  96. Smile at five people

  97. Help someone with errands

  98. Perform a random act of kindness

  99. Write yourself an “I love you because...” letter

  100. Write a letter to someone that you may never send

  101. Make a list of goals for the week/month/year/5 years

  102. Make a list of blessings in your life

  103. List or write down your feelings in the moment

  104. Look up recipes, create a “menu” of foods to cook

  105. Make a to-do list

  106. Journal

  107. Write down your dreams

  108. Look up dream meanings

  109. Make a visual list of home projects to do

  110. Make home projects reusing items around the house

  111. Create a scrapbook

  112. Create a mood board

  113. Create a visual “wish list”

  114. Make a visual board of things you love

  115. Sew your old clothes into new projects

  116. Complete something you’ve been putting off

  117. Look up new words and use them

  118. Teach your pet a new trick

  119. Hyper-focus on something physical like a rock, hand, etc.

  120. Sit in a garden and focus on the smells

  121. Look at something pretty like art

  122. Open your eyes and concentrate on the shapes in the sky

  123. Notice every leaf and branch, or brick

  124. Feel the rays of the sun peeking through the trees

  125. Feel the cold wind cooling your skin

  126. Press your feet heavy on the floor 

  127. Chew mint or cinnamon gum and notice the intense flavor and powerful scent

  128. Suck on mints or sour candies 

  129. Let chocolate melt in your mouth

  130. Listen to the small sounds around you 

  131. Name 5 things you can see

  132. Name 4 things you hear

  133. Name 3 things you can smell

  134. Touch a variety of textures and fabrics

  135. Name 5 things you can see that are blue

  136. Spot 5 circles you can see in the room

  137. Find all the diamond-shaped items you can see

  138. Find 3 things that are orange

  139. Remind yourself of the date/year

  140. Remind yourself of your name, how old you are, where you are, and why you’re there

  141. Take several deep deep breaths

  142. Look at your hands and feet

  143. Dig your feet into dirt and wiggle your toes

  144. Jump up and down or bounce on the balls of your feet

  145. Splash your face with cold water

  146. Run your hands under cold water

  147. Put on hand lotions or antibacterial gels that have a fragrance 

  148. Trace all the fabrics and seams of furniture or clothing articles within reach

  149. Notice colors you see when you close your eyes

  150. Notice changes in the colors you see when you close your eyes the longer your eyes stay closed

  151. Wiggle your toes and feel the muscles in your feet

  152. Look out a window and notice all the details

  153. Look up at the sky and notice all the details

  154. Close your eyes and go to your safe place 

  155. Search on-line for new songs

  156. Search on-line for new artists

  157. Watch an old happy movie

  158. Memorize a poem

  159. Memorize a play

  160. Memorize a song

  161. Listen to music with headphones on and eyes closed

  162. Make a play-list of your favorite songs

  163. Hum and feel the vibration extending through your body

  164. Sing loudly like no one is watching

  165. Sing to a song and try to match the tones and rhythms

  166. Sing along with the radio or your iPod

  167. Watch some funny videos on YouTube

  168. Watch puppy and kitten videos on YouTube

  169. Watch a cartoon or kids movie 

  170. Listen to an audiobook

  171. Find a new audiobook

  172. Listen to a podcast

  173. Find a new podcast 

  174. Watch something upbeat on Netflix or Hulu

  175. Rewatch your favorite sitcoms

  176. Rewatch your favorite movies

  177. Watch a documentary 

That’s it! You got through 177 Ways to Ground Yourself Now!

I challenge you to try a new technique and share with me in the comments how it worked for you!

Want more ways to de-stress?

Box Breathing: A Tool for Anxiety

Follow me through some guided meditations.

Check out these Mindfulness and Meditation Apps.

Have a read through my Tools for Anxiety series.

Grounding Techniques: Examples & How They Help

Ready to start Anxiety Therapy Orlando?

You can reach out here.

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is a trauma healing center. Our Orlando Therapy Services include anxiety therapy, trauma counseling, eating disorder recovery, teen counseling, and healing from toxic relationships. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we use a down-to-earth approach infused with cutting-edge therapies that go beyond traditional talk therapy so clients can heal at the root level and experience lasting change. Feel free to access one of our Guided Meditations to help you feel settled and calm now.


Alternative Treatments for Anxiety: Hypnotherapy [Interview Series]


Alternative Treatments for Anxiety: Rolfing [Interview Series]