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Orlando Therapist Blog

Welcome! Here you will find resources for therapy Orlando, as well as posts related to anxiety therapy, trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us as we share tools for hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Mindful Living as a way of life! Click below to hop straight to our guided meditations:

Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Orlando Therapist Guides You in Choosing Your Word of the Year

Anxiety Therapist Guides You in Choosing Your Word of the Year

As we are rounding out 2022, take a moment and reflect on the year. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment? Do you feel like the year was a struggle and really tested your limits? Or do you feel like it was a blend of both ease and difficulty? In either case, there is a lot of information to garner from reflecting on the year.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

Anxiety Therapist Shares: 10 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Family during the Holidays

Anxiety Therapist Shares: 10 Tips for Dealing With Difficult Family during the Holidays

Do you feel excited about the upcoming holidays? Are you ready to enjoy some much-needed time off, indulge in your favorite foods, and embrace your favorite holiday traditions?

Do you also experience a bit of anxiety and dread when you think about spending time with a difficult family member? You want to look forward to the big family meal together, but a part of you is bracing when you think of the unwelcome advice and commentary that will come your way.

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Anxiety Manuela Nino Anxiety Manuela Nino

New Year, New Book Guide for 2023

Anxiety Therapist Book Recommendations

It’s almost time to ring in the new year! With 2023 right around the corner we know you might be feeling anxious or stressed with all the emotions that come with the start of a new year. Mindful Living Counseling Therapists understand how overwhelming this season can be for our clients. So we have picked five of our favorite books or journals we highly recommend you read this month or in 2023.

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Self-Care Lauran Hahn Self-Care Lauran Hahn

How to Get Better Sleep

Orlando Therapist Shares: How to get Better Sleep

Do you struggle with sleep? Does your to-do list keep you up at night? Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Or do you wake up mid-night and start thinking about all the things you need to do?

If this sounds like, you are like the other 70 million Americans that struggle with sleep difficulties.

As a trauma and anxiety therapist in Orlando, more than half of my clients struggle with sleep problems. A few restless nights here and there are easy enough to deal with, however ongoing sleep issues can wreak havoc on overall wellbeing.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

How to Manage Perfectionism and Anxiety

Orlando Therapist: How to Manage Perfectionism & Anxiety

Do you struggle with wanting things to be perfect? Do you feel anxious when things don’t go as planned? Do you sometimes freeze because anything less than perfection isn’t worth the effort?

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

51 Grounding Techniques to Help You Feel Grounded Now

Grounding Techniques to Help You Feel Grounded Now

Are you feeling anxious and stressed? Do you struggle with anxiety or panic attacks and need a way to help you feel grounded and calm so that you can go on with your day?

As an Orlando therapist specializing in trauma and anxiety, I help clients create an individualized tool kit for grounding so that they feel settled and calm in their lives.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

7 Tips for Helping Someone Through a Panic Attack

It can be scary and overwhelming when someone you love is having a panic attack. All of a sudden, they are experiencing intense symptoms and are terrified, and are looking to you for support and comfort. At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we work with clients that struggle with anxiety and panic attacks.

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Anxiety Lauran Hahn Anxiety Lauran Hahn

54321 Grounding

Anxiety Therapist Shares 54321 Grounding

Have you been struggling with panic and anxiety? Orlando Therapist Lauran Hahn, LMHC shares the 5-4-3-2-1 method. The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding method is easy to remember and is always available because it utilizes the 5 senses. Click to learn more about this method that will help you relieve the panic and anxiety you may be feeling.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

5 Books We Recommend for You To Bring In the Year 2022

The staff at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando picked five of their favorite books they highly recommend you read in 2022. These books are a gentle reminder of ways you can find comfort and distraction when you start to feel anxious or stressed. You can also pick up these books anytime throughout the year when you need to refocus your energy and find some peace. Our list includes a book to help ease your anxiety, a book simply for distraction, and a book for some self-help.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Decluttering your Mind: 3 Tips to Get You Started

As Orlando Therapists at Mindful Living Counseling, we understand that 2021 has been a tough year for everyone. We are still living through a pandemic even though we have found some sense of normality we are all still adjusting and dealing with daily stressors. It has been a challenging year for all of us and despite the progress, we have made, it can be hard to celebrate any personal accomplishments when the world is still healing.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

Orlando Therapist Shares A Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Working with Parts of Self

At Mindful Living Counseling Orlando, we will often work with our clients in developing and understanding all the various aspects of themselves. This guided practice is intended to be a resource if you started a practice of exploring internal aspects of self. This is a guided practice that is intended to be a daily check-in to notice any aspects of self that may be disturbed and need some additional support.

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando provides grounding practices to our clients that struggle with anxiety and trauma. Guided meditation is one of our favorite grounded techniques

Get yourself into a comfortable space, and ready to listen to our guided meditation Working with Parts of Self.

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Anxiety Jenny Doré Anxiety Jenny Doré

21 Ways to Reduce Anxiety During the Holidays

Mindful Living Counseling Orlando is here to support you and remind you how you can be the best version of yourself during a stressful time, so you can enjoy the holiday season!

Use the simple tips below to help to stay afloat when you’re handling that overwhelming sensation of anxiety that ultimately leads to burnout. Check-in with yourself as needed and try to accomplish at least one of the items on this list. We hope that this will help you refocus your energy on what is truly valuable during the holidays.

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Meet our Orlando Therapists

  • Elizabeth Yoak

    Hi! I specialize in working with adults and teens struggling with anxiety, trauma, and depression.

  • Shauna Hughes, Anxiety Therapist in Orlando FL

    Shauna Hughes

    Hi! I work with anxiety, trauma, relationships, and coping with autoimmune diseases.

  •  Lauran Hahn

    Hi! I work with clients struggling with toxic relationship patterns, anxiety, and trauma.

  • Susan Williams

    Hi there! I'm Susan Williams and I specialize in working with teens, adults and couples struggling with grief, anxiety and trauma.