Mindful Living Counseling Orlando

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Orlando Therapist: A Mental Health Month Discussion

Orlando Therapist: A Mental Health Month Discussion

Written by: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

Welcome to our Mental Health Month blog, a sanctuary for nurturing our minds and exploring the path to healing! Throughout this blog, we'll delve into a myriad of topics surrounding mental health with compassion and understanding. From understanding different therapy terms and navigating insurance to fostering healthy relationships, and setting boundaries, and effective communication, we'll cover it all. Join us as we explore grounding techniques and the benefits of EMDR therapy. Together, we'll shine a light on managing anxiety and empowering ourselves on the road to well-being. Welcome to Mental Health Month, where every discussion is a step towards healing.

What to Know Before Starting Therapy

Before you start therapy you should know that finding the perfect therapist can be quite a task but don’t get discouraged. I have written a blog about Finding a Therapist in Orlando, which will help guide you on where to start. Once you have chosen a therapist, you will want to schedule a consultation call to ensure this is the best fit for you. We have the perfect 10 Questions to Ask your Orlando Therapist before the First Appointment to help determine if this therapist fits you best. We also have one if you are looking for a Teen Counselor, 8 Questions to Ask a Teen Counselor in Orlando!

Since the team at Mindful Living Counseling understands that starting therapy can be a bit nerve-wracking, if you decide to start therapy with us we've put together 5 Things to Know Before You Visit Mindful Living Counseling.

Should I see a Therapist or a Psychiatrist?

Embarking on the journey of therapy can indeed feel overwhelming, especially with all the terms and information involved. At times, it may seem like stepping into a whole new world with its own language. However, fear not. To ease this transition and empower you with knowledge, I have crafted a comprehensive blog titled Understanding Therapy Jargon. In this resource, we meticulously break down each therapeutic term, unraveling the complexities and providing clarity. The goal is to equip you with the confidence and understanding necessary to embark on your therapeutic journey with ease and assurance.

To answer your question a therapist helps individuals address emotional, psychological, or behavioral challenges using approaches like cognitive-behavioral or psychodynamic therapy to improve communication, coping skills, and self-esteem. Psychiatrists, on the other hand, are medical doctors specializing in mental health. They can diagnose and treat mental health conditions and prescribe medication. With their medical training and specialized psychiatry residency, psychiatrists understand the relationship between emotional and physical health.

How to Pay for Therapy With Insurance

Navigating therapy entails not just an emotional commitment, but a financial one as well. Before making this commitment, it's essential to explore all available options, including looking at your insurance benefits. In my blog post, 5 Quick Questions to Ask When Inquiring About Your Out-of-Network Benefits, I delve into important questions to make when considering this approach. I also find it valuable to gain insight into the pros and cons of utilizing insurance for therapy, which can significantly inform your decision-making process. By understanding these nuances, you empower yourself to make the best choice for your mental health journey.

Types of Therapy for Relationship Issues

Are you finding yourselves caught in frequent disagreements with your partner? Do you worry about the toll these conflicts might be taking on your relationship? As a practice specializing in toxic relationships, our focus is to help individuals recognize and break free from patterns that hinder their ability to foster healthy connections. I empower my clients to reclaim their power and regain control over their lives. If you're experiencing recurrent arguments and conflicts, seeking support can be incredibly beneficial. It's natural for relationships to have their ups and downs, but persistent disagreements can take a toll.

Teaching Boundaries in Therapy

Boundaries play a crucial role in every aspect of our lives, from parenting to work-life balance and self-care practices. If you have been struggling with setting boundaries? I understand. The complexities of boundary-setting and its profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Through therapy, you'll begin to recognize the benefits of establishing healthy boundaries, such as increased self-respect, improved relationships, and a greater sense of inner peace. By learning to assert your needs and limits with clarity and compassion, you'll cultivate a greater sense of empowerment and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

Grounding Techniques for Anxiety

Our team utilizes grounding techniques as a mindfulness-based practice to support clients dealing with anxiety, stress, panic attacks, trauma, and PTSD. We assist them in creating a personalized toolkit for grounding, enabling them to feel settled and calm in their daily lives. Drawing from both practice and personal experience, I enjoy sharing my list of 51 grounding techniques. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned, it is crucial to seek out an anxiety therapist or grounding tools to help improve blood flow to the prefrontal cortex, allowing access to the entire brain and providing relief.

What is EMDR Therapy and How Does it Work?

EMDR Therapy stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and it was initially studied to heal symptoms of trauma. With time it has been further studied and has shown results that help people heal from anxiety, depression, stress, and more! It works by using a back-and-forth motion known as bilateral stimulation to both desensitize and reprocess difficult or traumatic memories. There are several different ways of doing bilateral stimulation such as following the therapist’s fingers with your eyes, tapping left to right on your shoulders, arms, or knees, or utilizing EMDR hand tappers, which vibrate in your hands, left to right. Your EMDR therapist will introduce you to multiple forms of bilateral stimulation and you will choose what feels most comfortable to you.

If you’re still on the fence about EMDR Therapy I wrote the blog What is EMDR Therapy? which goes into better detail about this modality and how it can help you find some relief.

Mental Health Checklist

I've compiled a comprehensive Mental Health Checklist containing 25 easy activities that you can incorporate into your daily routine to practice self-care. These activities are designed to be simple and accessible, allowing you to dedicate a little time to yourself each day. I highly recommend diving into this list this month or whenever you feel the need for a self-care reset. By incorporating these small acts of self-care into your routine, you can cultivate a greater sense of well-being and balance in your life.

I hope that the information shared in this blog has provided comfort, encouragement, and perhaps even a sense of empowerment. Remember to prioritize your mental well-being, practice self-compassion, and reach out for support when needed. The journey to healing is ongoing, but with each conversation, reflection, and step forward, we grow stronger and more resilient. Happy Mental Health Month!

Interested in Therapy Orlando?

We are here to assist you in finding the right therapist for your needs. To start with one of our skilled therapists at Mindful Living Counseling:

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation Form.

  2. Schedule a consultation call with one of our Orlando therapists.

  3. Begin your healing journey!

Not Sure About Therapy?

Mindful Living Counseling is a team of highly trained therapists who are ready to help you acquire the necessary tools to overcome any challenge. If you're not ready to start yet or need more information, no problem at all. We have excellent resources for you to enjoy in the meantime.

Anxiety Therapy Orlando Resources

Orlando Therapist: Debunking 5 Myths About Therapy

Guided Meditation for Anxiety: Healing Light

5 Things Your Therapist Wants You to Know

Other Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando

At Mindful Living Counseling we provide various therapy services for your needs. Our therapy services include EMDR Therapy, Trauma Therapy, Teen Therapy, and Toxic Relationship Therapy. We also offer Guided Meditations to our clients.

Orlando Therapist: Lauran Hahn

Lauran Hahn, LMHC, is an Orlando-based therapist who specializes in helping clients who are struggling with anxiety and trauma. In addition, she works with individuals to heal from toxic relationships. Lauran is also a Certified Sensorimotor Psychotherapist, a Certified EMDR Therapist, and an EMDRIA Approved Consultant.