Mindful Living Counseling Orlando

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Tools for Anxiety: Somatic Resources

Orlando Therapist providing somatic resources for anxiety…

By: Lauran Hahn, LMHC

If you struggle with anxiety, I don’t need to explain how it impacts the body. Anxiety seems to live in the body in the form of a racing heart, tense muscles, shallow breathing, and clenched jaw. The list goes on and on.

In a previous post, Tools for Anxiety: Know your Body, Emotions, and Thoughts, I helped you uncover how anxiety impacts your mind, body, and emotions. In this post, I will help you develop a tool kit for working with anxiety through the body.

As an Orlando therapist, I see how anxiety impacts all three, the mind, body, and emotions.

There becomes a feedback loop that keeps the anxiety train roaring through your system. If you change one part of the trifecta of your mind, body, and emotions, you impact the entire system. In this post, we will focus on settling the body.

When anxiety has a stronghold on the body, it can feel like frenetic energy vibrating to your core. When working with clients, I also notice that it often lives in the upper half of the body, as well as in the front of the body. This looks like tension in the head, neck, chest, and shoulders coupled with forward momentum in the torso. All of this is happening outside of the conscious awareness of the person sitting in front of me.

The body participates in the feedback loop of anxiety in many ways. Suppose you haven’t already read my last post on uncovering your telltale signs of anxiety. In that case, I recommend that you do that now, so you can begin to incorporate somatic strategies for soothing your anxiety. Oftentimes, it’s as simple as knowing how your body responds when anxious and then doing the opposite.

For example, if you tense your muscles and hold your breath when stressed, try relaxing your muscles and taking a deep nourishing breath. If you need some guidance on how to get started on breath work - I recommend this article 7 Ways to Practice Breath Work for Beginners

Below is a list of somatic resources to try whether you’re at home, at work, alone, or with support. I recommend experimenting with many of them and seeing which ones work best for you.

Outdoor Somatic Resourcing

The easiest way for me to ground myself is to go outside and be with the elements, whether it is direct sunlight (yes, even in Florida in JULY), the wind, the dirt, the ocean, or the rain, being in nature is soothing to me. A friend of mine calls it “earthing.”. If being in nature is a natural anxiety soother, then get your butt outside and “earth” yourself. Below are some ideas to get you started.

Go for a run or a walk
Feel the wind on your skin
Put your bare feet on the ground
Feel the sunshine on your body
Go for a bike ride

Somatic Resources for When You’re Solo

When you’re home alone or meandering through your day, you can offer the following somatic tools for soothing anxiety.

Place your hands on your chest and belly
Snuggle up under a weighted blanket
Give yourself a hug
Bounce on a stability ball
Take a bubble bath
Engage in progressive muscle relaxation
Go to the gym
Do a yoga or breathing practice

Somatic Resources While You’re at Work

Sometimes you just need a little extra resourcing when at work, and while it might be frowned upon to try to take a bubble bath in the bathroom, there are still some things you can do to settle yourself while in the middle of your workday.

Feel your back on the chair
Gently rock back and forth and side to side
Squeeze a stress ball
Take a deep breath
Align your feet, hips, chest, neck, and head

Engaging Others as a Somatic Resource

Sometimes it isn’t enough to employ somatic resources alone. At times, it is most helpful to have another person (or pet) assist.

Snuggle with your pet
Hug a friend or family member
Get a massage
Have a trusted person put their gently place their hand on your back

Knowing how anxiety impacts your physiology helps in several ways. First, when you know the physical response your body takes on when impacted by anxiety, you can begin to settle yourself by saying, “this is an anxiety trigger, not a real threat”. Secondly, you can create a personalized toolkit for coping with anxiety that specifically impacts you.

Ready to Start Anxiety Therapy in Orlando, FL?

The therapists at Mindful Living Counseling Orlando are here to help you live your best life. The highly trained Orlando therapists will give you the tools needed to start your healing journey. To get started on anxiety therapy one of our anxiety therapists in Orlando:

  1. Fill out our New Client Consultation form located on our Contact Page.

  2. Once you complete the form, you’ll be invited to schedule a 15-minute phone consultation with our Client Care Coordinator.

  3. Get ready to start healing from anxiety!

Not Quite Ready for Anxiety Therapy?

Our highly trained team will help you gain tools that will help you overcome any anxiety may be feeling to help you navigate life. If you’re not ready to start this journey, we understand. Take all the time you need and reach out to us when it feels right.

Additional Anxiety Resources

An Anxiety Therapist Shares Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety

Mindful Living Counseling Anxiety Specialty Page

6 Tips to Bring the Best You to 2021

Tools for Anxiety: Know Your Body, Emotions, and Thoughts

Tools for Anxiety: Mindful Thinking

Other Therapy Services Offered at Mindful Living Counseling in Orlando, FL

Our therapists at Mindful Living understand that anxiety may not be the only feeling you’re struggling with. This is why we offer a variety of therapy services. Our therapy services include Trauma therapy, EMDR therapy, Eating Disorder Therapy, Toxic Relationship Therapy, and Teen Therapy. We also offer Guided Meditations. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!

About the Owner of Mindful Living Counseling

As an Orlando Therapist, Lauran Hahn, LMHC, specializes in working with clients struggling with anxiety and toxic relationships. She also specializes in boundaries, guided meditations, and EMDR Therapy. Lauran works to help her clients feel calm in their bodies, at peace in their minds and connected in relationships.